Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saturday August 23

150 Pushups

every time your knees hit the ground run 400m

So i had to run 4times, and the work out took 13mins 39secs

Push up sets were 40,30,30,25, 25

Thursday August 21

5 Rounds
BB Complex
6 - DL-Row - H power clean - F squat - P press - B squat - P jerk

Nothing to really say but had fun doing this one, numbers were

75lbs, 85lbs, 95lbs, 105lbs. 115lbs

Wednesday August 20

500m row
50-ab mat weighted situps 25lb DB held behind the neck feet anchored

500m row
50- K2E

500m row
50-ab mat weighted situps 25lb DB held behind the neck feet

500m row

Ok so not the work out i wanted to see coming in very hung over today from softball but i got my ass in gear and did it. The ab mats were brutal but so were the rows and K2E so what can you do. Abs definitely felt nice and tight after this work out

Tuesday August 19

1-10 10-1

Deadlift 135/95
Box jump

Sweet little latter, me and DC blazed through this at 7am. Good morning indeed.

Monday August 18

Back Squat5-5-5-5-5 165x5, 185x5, 205x5, 215x5, 225x4

Push Press3-3-3-3-3 115x3,135x3,145x3,155x1,145x3

Weighted Pullups10-10-10 ( 35lbs )

Weighted Situps10-10-10 (35lbs)

A great strength training day which i love to see, after all the backsquats i did a one rep max new PR at 245lbs which i was estatic about. Would like to see one day a week like this to work on some big lifts.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Saturday August 16


Deadlift 225lbs
Ring Dips

Then Air Squats for 2mins

So part one only took about 5 or 6mins to do and i was able to fly through all the deadlifts and dips. Then the air squats came, the level 2 goal was to get 100 in 2mins so off we went, I got 100 with about 15seconds to go and just kind of stopped, Leah yelled at me to keep going as she was keeping count for me so i thought i hadnt done the 100 yet, so i cranked out two more assuming my count in my head was off until i just asked what i was at. Well i guess we were trying to do as many as possible which i discovered after so i could have done more but finished 102 with about 10 to 15seconds to spare. Thankfully it was just enough to edge out Chris and Brent. My legs cramped up pretty good afterwards though, oh well i still hit my hundred. Remember, Ricky Bobby, If you re not first, You re last! Shake and Bake !

Thursday August 14

Overhead Squat5-5-5-5-5
3 sets of L-sits
OHS felt awesome and very controlled. Numbers were, 95x5, 115x5, 135x5, 145x5, 155x5
I had never done more than 115 before on a OHS but i was working in with chris who found it necessary to get up to 200lbs so i tried to do my best to look reasonable in comparison.
L sits i am terrible at, first set i held for 21secs, 2nd set for 23secs and finally on the 3rd set i was able to hold it for all thirty seconds. My legs were straight by only inches off the ground by the end of it all. Guess its something else for me to work on. Im all caught up now ! peace out A town

Wednesday August 13

3 Rounds

Row for Calories

4 Sanbag Get ups
4 Ring Pushups

5Deadlifts 135lbs
10 Lunges

This was a fun one we counted all the calories for rowing and rounds along the way to come up with a score. I was able to row 36,39,38 calories and finish 21rounds between the two others in the 12mins. Score was 134. Fast time at Buddy Clanci

Tuesday August 12

7 Rounds

10 - DB split jerks loading use 23% of BW
10 - Box jumps
10 - Ab wheels
1 - Rope climb
10 - Pushups

I used 40lbs for the split jerks, and actually did box jumps through the entire work out. The thing i was most impressed with however was the fact that i didnt use my legs in all but one rope climb. I ended up giving myself rope burn on my shin after the first time up so from then on i didnt use my legs which was sweet cuz it means im getting stronger.

Monday August 11

100 Front Squats @ 105lbs
10Body Rows Every time I stopped a set

So i missed the work out at the box which was 100squat cleans at 125lbs so i just tried to throw something together. I ended up doing this work out at 1230am and didnt go too hard as i was distracted by tv by still felt accomplished when i finished all the front squats

Saturday August 9

7 Rounds
8 Calorie row
10 SDHP 75/55lb
18 sec ring support
15 box jumps
10 wall balls 20/12lb to ten ft target
10 ab wheel rollouts

Kind of a deceiving work out, i didnt think it would be too bad but i was sure sweating by the end of it all. Another classic Saturday morning ass kicker

Friday, August 8, 2008

Thursday August 7

Back Squat 3-3-3-3

Deadlift 3-3-3-3

Finish with 3 sets of Ab wheel rollouts from knees or standing.

Gotta love the strength training days. Back Squat numbers were 185, 205, 225, 215. I was only able to do the 225 for 2reps so i put it back down for the last set. Definitely something i want to get stronger.

Deadlift numbers were, 315, 335, 355, 375. I was able to do every rep at those numbers although the 375 felt heavy as hell. I could really feel it in my left leg hamstring when the load got heavy but its good to see im gettin my power back.

Ab wheel i practiced trying to do standing roll outs. I was able to do a couple half ass ones and i say that because once all the way down my forearms touched the ground briefly but that is a lot better than before when i would simply fall flat on my face half way down. Everything is comin along good and it was a fun day to see some gains.

Wednesday August 6

2 Rounds

Row 30sec on/30 off 4x
2min: 5 burpees/5 Single arm db swings 40/30lb

Row 30sec on/30 off 4x
2min: 5 deadlifts 135/95lb/10 jumping lunges

Row 30sec on/30 off 4x
2min: 5 front squats 135/95lb/5 tuck jumps

Then Partner Ladder 1-10

Wall Ball (Partner holds plank position)
Box Step Ups (Partner holds 25lb weight above head)

Wow was this ever a fun work out to wake up to. The rowing had me so tired and when it came to do the front squats I was exhausted and it felt the hardest of all. I had Matt on the rower beside me for this so i just had to make sure he didnt row further than me so it gave me a good excuse to pull hard. For the most part i kept the rower in the high 1:30's but did dip into the low 1:40's from time to time.

Tuesday August 5

5 Rounds
7-Power cleans 135
7-Weighted pullups 50% BW
7 - Weighted situps feet anchored 40/30 lbs

So i was unable to Rx this work out as i cant do a pullup with 50% my bodyweight. I ended up using 35lbs for the chins. The hardest part of this work out was by far the situps. They felt like they took forever to do and it was a struggle for every rep. Oh well just glad to be back in the box.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Monday August 4

Oh Grace, I had a lot of trouble with this one for some reason. Basically i rested longer than i should have at times and really sucked. Time was 4:57 far too slow. I ll probably do this again sometime soon just to improve it. It was a great turn out though and a perfect day to do it.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Saturday August 2

Ahhhh Saturday, what a beauty of day, I just wish i could have been at the zoo. Instead i ran into the freight train we ve come to know simply as Fran. This was my first time doing this benchmark work out and it didnt disappoint. I had the butterflies in my stomach in anticipation for this hellacious ride. I got to watch Sterling do it first, mainly because i sneakily nominated him to start it off and Holy Fuck did he storm right through like the true firebreather he is. The bad ass did it in 3:53. Ill even go as far to say he made it look easy and i really would have thought it wasnt as bad as everyone made it out to be if i didnt have to look at how he felt after it was over. So with him done it was my turn as John learning a trick i used nominated me to go next. 3..2...1.. GO! what a rush. I managed to do all 21 thrusters and chinups in a row non stop but thats where i started to lose steam. Everything after that got broken up and by the last set of chinups it was nearly impossible to grip the bar to pull myself up. Needless to say i chalked up quite a bit. After finishing i collapsed to the ground with my forearms absolutely pumped. I kept trying to lay in a comfortable position but it just wasnt happening so i ended up trying to walk it off. Recovery was a slow process after that work out. My time as Rx'd was 5:19 but i feel i can improve on that if i just try it a couple of more times. Oh how i love the way we tourcher our bodies and minds through crossfit. The battle will never end.