Sunday, June 29, 2008

Thursday WOD

Row 20sec on 10off 4x

2 min 3 burpees + 3 pullups

Row 20sec on 10off 4x

2 min 5 pushups + 5 deck squats 35lbs

Row 20sec on 10off 4x

2 min 3 ring dips + 3 pullupsRest 2 min

Row 500m

40 single arm DB swings 45lb(20per side)

25 K2E

Row 500m

25 pushups

25 Du's

Holy Sh*t Clarke you ve done it again. If my legs werent fatigued enough from wednesday this work out certainly pushed them over. The last two 500m rows i was dying and really wanted to stop by luckily i had john right beside me to keep me in line. On the bright side though all my pushups, pullups and double unders felt good.

Wednesday WOD

3 Rounds6 - Power snatch - OHS - back squat - good morning - push press - bent over row Do not let the weight rest on the ground
75lb 80lb 85lb
3 Rounds
10 - Hang squat cleans 115/75lb
2 min box step ups
3 Rounds
12 - Front squats
500m row @ 2 min pace

So the modified bear complex felt good, it was nice to do some OHS and work on technique. Now the two 3 round blasters are another story. Chad and I teamed up here and i felt like absolute death. After the first set of 12 front squats i felt done but i still have 5 and a half rounds left to do. I certainly didnt finish this in any record time but oh man what a work out.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tough Tuesday

7 Rounds

10 - pullups
10 - box jumps
10 - DB split snatches @ 20% bw
10- Ab Wheels

A hellish work out but not too long of one. Time Rx'd 11.55
I was slow on the box jumps which ended up being my
downfall timewise when Chad and Riley finished before me.
That being said though its great to have people to push you to
go harder and faster than you ever would at a globo gym.

Monday, June 23, 2008

My First Post

Alright guys you win. Ive decided to hop on the blog train so I can keep up with my numbers from training and track my results better. Todays WOD

Push Press 10 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2 - 2 - 2 Squat clean 8 - 6 - 4 - 2 - 2 - 2

My numbers were as follows
P.P. S.C.
95x10 115x8
106x8 135x6
115x6 146x4
135x4 166x2
145x2 185x1
155x1 185x1 ( PR )

The work out felt really great especially on the squat cleans cuz i felt i was getting under it very well. Its nice to see a new PR on something squat or leg related coming off my knee surgery. Well this is it for now. See you all tomorrow