Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday September 16

Ladders for time:
Clapping pushups
Run 400m then
Clapping push ups

A nice quick ass kicker thats for sure. My hands were ripped to shreds afterwards in 4 or 5different places. I felt i had a pretty solid pace and finished in 14:27 which was first for the day until the iron lung showed up and crushed me by 29seconds. Way to go john. After class nobody showed up for the 5:30 time so i trained a little grappling with larry which was nice just to go through the motions again. Slowly getting back into mma mode.

Monday September 15

Clean and jerk


Back Squat 3-3-3-3

As many rounds in 10 minutes
2 MU's
4 Box jumps
8 DB split jerks 45lb/ 30lb
200m run

So the clean and jerks were a nice little warm up but my wrists were still sore from doing it the other day. Back squat i kept it nice and simple 225lbs for all 4sets. I was able to do 5full rounds in the 10minute blaster which gave me a final score for 2800 for the day. Good times for sure and the muscle ups felt awesome. Id like to do them a bit more often

Monday, September 15, 2008

Saturday September 13

Squat cleansheavy singles

1x4 50% 225lbs
1x4 70% 315lbs
1x4 70% 315lbs
1x4 80% 335lbs

10 Rounds Box jumps

A good fun lifting day. Squat cleans I managed to set a new PR of 207lbs which felt great to do. Even more so was the box jump circuit because i havent done any jumping for quite sometime so getting up on the 40" box was a great accomplishment.

Thursday September 11

10 Rounds for time:
2 - Skin the cat
20 - double unders

Time as Rx'd 10:39. Just blazed through it felt good to go.
Also did the Olympic lifting class which we did hanging squat cleans. Worked my way up to 185lbsx2 reps but could not seem to go any higher.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wednesday September 10

10 Rounds
10 Back squats loading BW
10 Bench press 75% BW
10 Kipping pullups

So i backsquated 160 and did 60lb dumbells for the bench. I did this in the morning and i tried doing the whole not having breakfast before a work out and i was definitely feeling it by round 8. I kept thinking to myself damn im hungry i need food but shit just finish the damn work out. My legs and chest are definitely sore the next day. I also liked that i got a chance to work on my pullups and the different ways of doing them. Made it through all reps in all sets except on the very last set of bench i broke it up as 7 and 3.

Tuesday September 9

7 Rounds
3 - clean and jerk 135/95lb
6 - Dead hang pullups
9 - Kkb swings 53lb/36lb
200m run

Holy FUCK this work out beat the hell out of me. I havent been eating well lately and i think it finally showed cuz i had a shit time and felt light headed for a while afterwards. on the last couple of runs coming back i almost felt like walking. Time Rx'd 18:07 but could be much improved.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Satuday September 6

5 Rounds

800m run
21 KB swings
12 pullups

This was done with partners so really you only ended up doing 400m runs and I did 11kb swings and 9pullups. It was nice to do this to get a bit of an idea of how Helen would be as i havent done her yet. Did this with Jen Deacon though and our team dominated. Rx'd time of 16.20ish cant remember the exact second but we did finish a solid 2mins in front of everyone. That felt good but we mostly finished fast cuz Jen was such a solid runner. Fun day though. And did anyone else see Chuck get knocked The F out. Crazy times

Thursday September 4

Front squat2-2-2-2-2

Power snatch3-3-3-3

There was more to this work out afterwards but due to time constraints i couldnt stay to do it.
Front squat numbers were, 185,195,205,215,215x1.

Power Snatch was 95,115,125,135(pr)

Never really snatched more than 115before so it was cool to get under the 135, I know i could do more but for now that will be my PR.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wednesday September 3

So i have a big exam for macro economics tomorrow so ive been studying all day like a caged little puppy dog so it felt wonderous to get out of the house and into the box and it was a big day indeed.

Strength work
Seated DB Press5-5-5-5-5
Power Cleans3-3-3-3-3

As many rounds in 10 min:
5 box jumps
10 L pullups
15 Knees to elbows

So for the DB press my numbers were 40lbs, 50lbs, 55lbs, 60lbsx4, 60lbsx2 the last set i really had no shoulder energy left but what can ya do. Power cleans i went 135lbs, 145, 165, 175 and finally 185lbs which is actually a PR and i was able to do the 3reps. I was feeling pretty good after that so i decided to put the weight up a bit more to 195lbs and try for my 1RM on squat cleans and sure enough ( on the second attempt ) i got under it just right and got my ass out of the hole to set my new PR for squat clean. A good day indeed. As for the 10minute blaster i was able to do only 4rounds plus the box jumps and K2E. Not the greatest but i didnt care cuz i was psyched up from the cleans. COOL BEANS!

PS for all of you that read this beware of Jill, she recently started stalking me on a daily basis so be sure to keep your eyes and ears open to what shes up to. Shes very very sneaky

Tuesday September 2

Row 500m @ easy pace
Back squat5-5-5-5-5 loading 80% 1rm or more

6-1 ladder
box jumps
DB split power snatch 40/30lb

Did my first set of BSquats at 185, then did the next 3 @ 205lbs which is about 84% of my 1RM and the last set I went back down to 185 and concentrated alot on foot work which seemed to be off. As far as the ladder goes i Rx'd it in 2mins37secs.

Friday August 29

So i missed a couple days during the week because i went up to Cultus for one night and then on tuesday morning when i thought i would go i actually had a doctors appointment out at ubc hospital for the knee. The doc said everything felt strong and that i could start back with my sports and hard training. I dont think he knew ive been doing crossfit for the past 4months regardless. anyways with my spirits raised i went to the gym with a mma buddy of mine for a WOD and then we hit the thai pads and rolled some jits and it felt good to be able to hit stuff again. woot woot anyways though the work out was

30 Hand Stand Push Ups
40 Pullups
50 Kettle bell swings
60 Situps
70 Burpees

Time as Rx'd 13.05 and my friends time was 13.56

also did 3sets of 10 front squats at 135lbs and a few hamstring curls. Good times

Thursday August 28

10 Rounds

250m row
10 Deadlifts 225/155lbs.

Didnt go balls to the walls with the rower. i just kept the pace around a 1:55 which i believe kept my deadlifts strong. Back felt nice and tight when it was all said and done

Monday August 25

Warmup: 3 Rounds
250 m row partner steps up on a 10" box while holding a sandbag
3 Rounds loading around 70% to 80%
2x power cleans
3x front squat
2x split jerk

40 wallball
40 pullups
30 wallball
30 pullups
20 wallball
20 pullups
10 wallball
10 pullups

Did this one in the morning with my partner DC. Felt good and tired throughout but i was surprised i was able to do all the wallballs without breaking any sets up. Chin ups though i went 25,15 for 40, then 15,15 for 30 and 15,5 for 20 then 10 straight.